Little Voice

Lukas Allen

               It’s so hard to believe the little voice in your head, the voice you know is coming from yourself, the voice that believes the best will work out and positivity will reign supreme, that sounds like it should be right, but are just not so certain it is.

            The human mind likes to make mountains out of molehills, embiggening the problem more and more in an anxious cycle. I find it difficult to listen to myself, because the “evidence” of that little voice of my own being wrong seems so overwhelming.

            As someone who hears voices with a diagnosis of chronic schizophrenia, I do not only have my own fears to fight, but seemingly some disembodied being that, for all I know, is a ghost haunting my life. This other voice I speak of comes out of the shadows when I know I have to do something or even just want to do something. They, the voices of my illness, will mock and berate me for wanting or having to do a task, and sometimes I halfway find myself listening to them.

            I have my own doubt voice, and also an auditory hallucination doubt voice. Where would I be without them? Probably feeling very positive and fulfilled with my life.

            The voice of doubt, whether they come from yourself, others, or even hallucinations, is a very tricky being to fight. There is no way to peacefully bypass them. Can’t move around them, can’t give into them, can only go through them.

            Doubt uses half imagined truths and flimsy supports to prove its claim. The evidence of doubt can be a muffled passing word, or a bad history with something, but altogether, mostly, doubt’s evidence is fear. The fear can be a big thing, or a minor thing, whatever its origin it is there because of fear.

            Some good ways to fight this doubt and fear is to actually face it head on. You will probably feel a little better not listening to them, and feel like a load has been taken off your shoulders. If you cannot face doubt and fear right away, ease yourself up to it. Do something kind for yourself. An example is making a healthy meal just for yourself. Enjoy the task, be contented with it, and you’ll see that doubt and fear are only simple hurdles to overcome.

            My spaghetti with sauce was very good, and I’m glad I overcame the voices and did that nice action for myself. That’s all I wanted to do, make some food. It’s hard to be kind to yourself.

            Listen to the little, correct voice, for this voice is the voice of hope. It may seem small, in comparison to doubt and fear, but hope can improve your life if you allow it to flourish.

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